Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Benefits of GP Test Prop (Testosterone Propionate)

Anabolic steroids are synthetic versions of testosterone, the body’s natural sex hormone. They assist athletes by facilitating efforts to gain strength and muscle mass for increased muscular endurance, power and speed.

Male hormones such as testosterone and its metabolite dihydrotestosterone are responsible for the developmental changes that occur within the male body through adolescence. Steroids possess both androgenic and anabolic properties. Some of the androgenic effects include changes in sexual characteristics such as shrinking of the testicles, hair growth on the body and face, hair loss on the scalp, and increased aggressiveness. Athletes are primarily concerned with the anabolic characteristics of steroids including accelerated development of the muscles, connective tissues, bones, and red blood cells.

The benefits of Testosterone Propionate are truly great and in short the benefits most anyone would desire to hold if anabolic steroids were being used. Through the use of Testosterone Propionate we aptly create a playing field perfect for almost any situation be it bulking, cutting or simply trying to provide an added athletic edge. Through its use the individual can expect to see increases in lean tissue and strength, decreased body fat due to improved metabolic function as well as a greater ability for healing and recovery.

A common misconception is that Testosterone Propionate (GP Test Prop) is only well-suited during a cutting cycle and while it is definitely perfect for a cutting cycle it is perfect because it is testosterone, not because it has the Propionate ester attached. The truth is simple, any testosterone form can be used in a cutting cycle or bulking cycle with equal effectiveness, however, there are variances to consider. As a short ester steroid Testosterone Propionate (GP Test Prop) must be necessarily administered at a minimum of every three days with every other day being far more optimal; because many will be using other short ester steroids during a cutting cycle often it makes sense to use Testosterone Propionate (GP Test Prop) during this time and simply administer them all at once. However, because peak levels are so easy to control with the use of Testosterone Propionate (GP Test Prop) due to the short ester being attached many, especially in the competitive bodybuilding world use Testosterone Propionate (GP Test Prop) in their off-season as well.

Testosterone Propionate (GP Test Prop) like all forms of testosterone is highly anabolic and androgenic, equal in both rights. As by its nature it is simply a synthetic version of the testosterone hormone naturally produced in the human body by both men and women and essential to a properly functioning endocrine system. While inadequate levels, particularly low levels are generally not life threatening they can be quite bothersome and can lead to more serious problems when not dealt with appropriately. To give you an idea of the importance of the hormone we only need look at the effects of low levels; those who suffer from low testosterone find a body transformation in the opposite desired direction to be very common place; increased body-fat, decreased muscle tissue and strength can all occur and be very difficult to deal with and in many cases impossible when levels are too low. Further, because testosterone is responsible in part for sexual function many men find they experience a decrease in libido, erectile dysfunction when levels are too low, as well as lack of mental focus, energy and even the onset of depression. While these are not life threatening conditions on their own, as you can easily see some of them are pretty serious and there isn’t one any man would wish to have bestowed on him. Conversely, when we look at the effects of low testosterone we can easily see how increased levels would have the opposite effect; take each condition previously listed and take it in the opposite direction towards improvement, which is exactly why testosterone is known as a performance enhancer.

By its very nature Testosterone Propionate (GP Test Prop) dramatically increases nitrogen retention in the muscle allowing protein to be stored in the muscle to a larger degree; as protein is the building block of muscle and increased lean tissue improves our metabolic rate, on this basis alone we have a highly desirable hormone; however, the good news does not end there. As by its mode of action testosterone has the ability to block and reduce muscle wasting hormones known as glucocortico steroid, most commonly cortisol. While testosterone truly has seemingly limitless properties, as it pertains to performance, of particular interest is its ability to greatly increase IGF 1 production in the body; as you understand IGF 1 is a very powerful peptide hormone of a highly anabolic nature and plays a key role alongside human growth hormone, another potent peptide based hormone.

Testosterone Propionate (GP Test Prop) was one of the first anabolic androgenic steroids ever synthesized and made ready for human use in mass production and as such is one of the most popular anabolic steroids of all time. While there are hundreds of anabolic steroids and forms within each, Testosterone Propionate (GP Test Prop)  is largely one of the easiest to understand as it is very basic in composition and simply a pure testosterone. However, as simple as it is it further remains very powerful and highly effective yet many understand Testosterone Propionate (GP Test Prop) as well as they understand the most basic algorithms used in space exploration.

Testosterone Propionate (GP Test Prop) is one of the more popular testosterone forms used the world over and one of the more popular anabolic androgenic steroids of all time. As testosterone was the first anabolic steroid every synthesized Testosterone Propionate was the first form to hit the shelves in mass quantities made ready for human use. Like the popular oral steroid Dianabol, Testosterone Propionate has been available for a very long time and like Dianabol it is just as popular today as its ever been. One of the reasons Testosterone Propionate (GP Test Prop) holds such high popularity is simply because it is pure testosterone, a very versatile anabolic hormone; further, most who use it find it very easy to control; while all testosterone forms are comprised of the same identical active hormone because the Propionate version is so fast acting and short lived due to its very nature it is perhaps the most controllable testosterone available with stability and peak levels being very easy to maximize and held in an efficient manner.

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