Dianabol is methylated at carbon 17-alpha on its structure (this is simply the addition of a methyl group at the 17th carbon). This process, known as C17-Alpha Alkylation, allows the anabolic steroid to be administered orally and still have a measurably strong effect on the body. Without this modification, it is impossible for any anabolic steroid to survive liver metabolism in significant enough quantities to promote any measurable effects in the body – the result is that extremely miniscule amounts of the anabolic steroid reaches the bloodstream to perform its job.
It also possesses a double-bond between carbons 1 and 2. This modification in particular is what grants it a ‘milder’ androgenic strength in comparison to its parent hormone Testosterone. This double-bond is what limits Dianabol’s affinity to bind to the androgen receptor in different tissues in comparison to Testosterone. It is these modifications that also allow Dianabol’s half-life to exceed that of Testosterone (Dianabol’s half-life is 4.5 – 6 hours). An additional benefit of these chemical modifications is Dianabol’s lower affinity for binding proteins to bind to it, such as Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). These binding globulins (in this case SHBG), which are proteins, bind to sex hormones such as Testosterone, Estrogen, Dianabol, etc. and render them inactive temporarily. What results is essentially a bound hormone that floats around in the bloodstream and does nothing – it cannot bind to receptors or do anything – and is essentially useless. These are the chemical features are that grant it its status of being a significantly potent anabolic steroid. One interesting point to note, however, is that it possesses a weaker interaction with the androgen receptor in comparison to Testosterone and many other anabolic steroids, yet it is a very strong and potent hormone in comparison. It is therefore speculated that much of Dianabol’s activity is that of non-receptor mediated activity. With this being said, Dianabol’s anabolic rating is known to be a rating of 210 in contrast with Testosterone’s anabolic rating of 100. What can be seen here is it possesses slightly over double the anabolic strength of Testosterone, and this is because of the described structural modifications it possesses.
Dianabol does succumb to some limitations of its own, with the first being its C17-Alpha Alkylated property. As previously mentioned, C17-Alpha Alkylation allows an anabolic steroid to become orally active and bioavailable – without it, the anabolic steroid would not survive liver metabolism. However, the negative downside in this case is that of increased hepatotoxicity (increased liver toxicity). C17-Alpha Alkylation allows an anabolic steroid to become more resistant to hepatic breakdown, and any compound that is further resistant to hepatic breakdown with always have greater hepatotoxicity associated with it. As a result, it is a smart choice to run this oral for periods no greater than 4-6 weeks at any given time in a cycle. This is to ensure healthy liver function, and for proper liver recovery following the cycle. It is because of the risk of hepatotoxicity that Dianabol’s main function in a cycle is to serve as a supportive kickstarting compound. Dbol, nor any oral anabolic steroid, should ever be run solitarily on its own. Testosterone in some form no lower than a TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) dose should always be run with an oral anabolic steroid.
From being the first ever steroid produced by man to the most popular steroid of today’s time, Dianabol has come a long way. Usually people tend to take up new steroids that visit the market over older ones but D-bol has a unique history of have a loyal following of users from the time it was first manufactured.
From being the first ever steroid produced by man to the most popular steroid of today’s time, Dianabol has come a long way. Usually people tend to take up new steroids that visit the market over older ones but D-bol has a unique history of have a loyal following of users from the time it was first manufactured.
The major function of Dianabol is development of quality muscle mass as well as strength gain. Since these two are prime objectives of people seeking steroid use, D-bol seems to be the best option to be used in the bulking phase of the cycle. The reason D-bol is preferred over other drugs is because it renders many other added benefits to its user and also keeps them away from the risk of side effects. The strength and muscle gain in case of Dianabol is mainly due to the compound methandrostenolone, which is the most active ingredient of this drug. Its main users are bodybuilders, power lifters and athletes preparing for competition purposes.
However, good news about this steroid is that it also produces many added benefits in its users. To start with, it enhances the person’s ability to train for longer hours without getting tired soon. It does it by boosting the process of protein synthesis in the tissues which in turn increases the level of nitrogen in the body. This increase in nitrogen enhances the person’s capacity to endure more exertion. Dianabol also increases the level of body insulin in the blood as a result of which the person feels more relaxed and light. It is known to improve appetite and sleep as well.
PROVIRON 100 tab
DIANABOL 230 tabs
CLOMID 15 tabs
One of the most important benefits of D-bol comes after the steroid cycle is over. It establishes what is known as a temporary anabolic state in the body which does not allow proteins present in the tissues to breakdown into amino acids. This helps keep the muscles firm even when the person has stopped working out in the post cycle phase.
ANADROL 60 tabs
NOLVADEX 25 tabs
SUSTANON 4250 mg or 17 amps/1 ml/250 mg
DIANABOL 110 tabs
DECADURABOLIN 3000 mg or 15 amps/2 ml/ 200 mg
HCG 5000 IU x 1
CLOMID 25 tabs
It must be noted that Dianabol is a strong anabolic compound and should not be administered in the body for a very long period of time. This is because its excessive use might cause certain conditions like high blood pressure and toxicity of liver to appear. In extreme cases, one might confront estrogenic effects like water retention and gynecomastia.
A 4-week break after the completion of this steroid cycle is a must. For faster recovery and maintenance of the muscle tissue gained, intake of Clenbuterol during this phase is highly recommended.
D-bol happens to be one of the most popular steroids today and so can be easily bought from any reputed online steroid store or a pharmacy. The good news is that it can be bought with as well as without a prescription.

Dianabol does succumb to some limitations of its own, with the first being its C17-Alpha Alkylated property. As previously mentioned, C17-Alpha Alkylation allows an anabolic steroid to become orally active and bioavailable – without it, the anabolic steroid would not survive liver metabolism. However, the negative downside in this case is that of increased hepatotoxicity (increased liver toxicity). C17-Alpha Alkylation allows an anabolic steroid to become more resistant to hepatic breakdown, and any compound that is further resistant to hepatic breakdown with always have greater hepatotoxicity associated with it. As a result, it is a smart choice to run this oral for periods no greater than 4-6 weeks at any given time in a cycle. This is to ensure healthy liver function, and for proper liver recovery following the cycle. It is because of the risk of hepatotoxicity that Dianabol’s main function in a cycle is to serve as a supportive kickstarting compound. Dbol, nor any oral anabolic steroid, should ever be run solitarily on its own. Testosterone in some form no lower than a TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) dose should always be run with an oral anabolic steroid.
From being the first ever steroid produced by man to the most popular steroid of today’s time, Dianabol has come a long way. Usually people tend to take up new steroids that visit the market over older ones but D-bol has a unique history of have a loyal following of users from the time it was first manufactured.
From being the first ever steroid produced by man to the most popular steroid of today’s time, Dianabol has come a long way. Usually people tend to take up new steroids that visit the market over older ones but D-bol has a unique history of have a loyal following of users from the time it was first manufactured.
The major function of Dianabol is development of quality muscle mass as well as strength gain. Since these two are prime objectives of people seeking steroid use, D-bol seems to be the best option to be used in the bulking phase of the cycle. The reason D-bol is preferred over other drugs is because it renders many other added benefits to its user and also keeps them away from the risk of side effects. The strength and muscle gain in case of Dianabol is mainly due to the compound methandrostenolone, which is the most active ingredient of this drug. Its main users are bodybuilders, power lifters and athletes preparing for competition purposes.
However, good news about this steroid is that it also produces many added benefits in its users. To start with, it enhances the person’s ability to train for longer hours without getting tired soon. It does it by boosting the process of protein synthesis in the tissues which in turn increases the level of nitrogen in the body. This increase in nitrogen enhances the person’s capacity to endure more exertion. Dianabol also increases the level of body insulin in the blood as a result of which the person feels more relaxed and light. It is known to improve appetite and sleep as well.
PROVIRON 100 tab
DIANABOL 230 tabs
CLOMID 15 tabs
One of the most important benefits of D-bol comes after the steroid cycle is over. It establishes what is known as a temporary anabolic state in the body which does not allow proteins present in the tissues to breakdown into amino acids. This helps keep the muscles firm even when the person has stopped working out in the post cycle phase.
ANADROL 60 tabs
NOLVADEX 25 tabs
SUSTANON 4250 mg or 17 amps/1 ml/250 mg
DIANABOL 110 tabs
DECADURABOLIN 3000 mg or 15 amps/2 ml/ 200 mg
HCG 5000 IU x 1
CLOMID 25 tabs
It must be noted that Dianabol is a strong anabolic compound and should not be administered in the body for a very long period of time. This is because its excessive use might cause certain conditions like high blood pressure and toxicity of liver to appear. In extreme cases, one might confront estrogenic effects like water retention and gynecomastia.
A 4-week break after the completion of this steroid cycle is a must. For faster recovery and maintenance of the muscle tissue gained, intake of Clenbuterol during this phase is highly recommended.
D-bol happens to be one of the most popular steroids today and so can be easily bought from any reputed online steroid store or a pharmacy. The good news is that it can be bought with as well as without a prescription.
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