All medications, steroidal and non-steroidal alike carry with them possible negative and adverse side-effects, in that GP Stan makes no exception. It is important to note, such side-effects are by no means guaranteed and when speaking of anabolic steroids such effects are often largely avoidable through responsible use. Many anabolic steroids can have a negative effect on one’s cholesterol and often this problem is avoidable by proper diet and even through aromatase inhibitor use as cholesterol issues are often estrogenic related. However, Stanozolol has a very pronounced negative effect on cholesterol and for this reason use must necessarily be kept brief and in responsible levels.
Stanozolol can also increase liver enzymes quite heavily, especially when taken in tablet form, as oral Stanozolol is a 17-aa steroid. However, most will find their liver values return to normal after use is discontinued and the liver will not be harmed. Even still, responsible use must be implored but understand, even massive doses of Stanozolol are not as damaging to the liver as every day alcohol consumption.
While GP Stan is a strong anabolic with a low androgenic nature it is far from the most powerful anabolic available but far from the weakest as well. Without question the attributes of this anabolic steroid are best seen during a cutting cycle as Stanozolol will provide a harder more vascular look to an already lean physique. However, the benefits do not end with hardening, GP Stan by its nature is well-suited for increasing strength, even when dieting which can normally be very difficult, no, one will not gain massive strength when dieting but it can go up a little, especially in the early stages. By its strength attributes Stanozolol remains a favorite for many athletes in a host of various performance sports.
While an excellent steroid to use when dieting GP Stan will not do a lot for you when trying to bulk up in-terms of actual growth. It can have a place in a bulking cycle for secondary purposes but most will stick with powerful steroids with strong androgenic qualities for this purpose. Nevertheless, whenever the steroid is used it is important to note it will suppress natural testosterone production to a degree and most men will necessarily supplement with some form of exogenous testosterone. While it will suppress natural production it will not do so to the extent of many other steroids but still enough to warrant caution and remedy.
As both injectable and oral forms will produce the same results, administration in-terms of frequency will follow suit and be identical regardless of the form at hand. As injections can be very painful with this steroid due to the Depot version being suspended in water many choose to simply drink it or take oral tabs; regardless of the form every day administration will prove to be optimal. However, every other day administration will yield positive results as the half-life extends to 24 hours but most will find every day administration to be the most efficient.
To get the most bang for your buck most men will find 50mg of Stanozolol to be just about perfect with 100mg being about as high as you’d ever want to go. 100mg per day is very common in competitive bodybuilding circles but generally only the last 7-10 days before the competition as that high of a dose for long periods can be very side-effect ridden. In most cases, 50mg per day for approximately 6-8 weeks will prove to be fantastic.
For our female athletes, 5mg-10mg is perfect and most are highly cautioned against going above this dose and staying within the 6-8 weeks of total use. Failure to abide will result in nasty virilization effects, even though it is only slightly androgenic it’s still androgenic in nature. When used responsibly most women will find Stanozolol to be very well-tolerated.
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