Certainly, weight reduction - a lengthy process and must include several components:
- A balanced diet,
- Physical activity,
- Medical treatment,
- In exceptional cases (in total obesity, life-threatening) have resorted to surgery.
If you are able to reduce weight through the first two components of a comprehensive treatment, it is good. But often in life is not easy to win only because of the weight of a balanced diet and physical education. In addition, frequent recourse to competent professional capable to understand the situation, find the causes of violations of men's health and well to treatment, delayed, or the man has no time to slow weight loss. In such cases, drug therapy has become one of the most important components.
When choosing a drug a doctor should be based on the principle of "do no harm." This applies particularly to the subtleties of metabolic processes and the male reproductive system.
From the list of currently available drugs to aid in the fight against overweight and obesity, you can choose any.
For 10 years, doctors successfully used the drug Xenical peripheral actions. Why does the drug to block the absorption of fat food has been recognized in society and the medical world? Fat food - the main problem is getting fat people. Fatty food is tasty, easily chewed, it is possible to eat a lot, because it gives a very slow saturation. If a man accustomed to such a diet, it is difficult to give up through the efforts of the will. Fats from food, are broken down in the stomach and intestine by enzymes - lipases for further absorption and distribution in the body. Xenical has a unique mechanism of action: it blocks about 30% of gastrointestinal lipases. Thus, it prevents splitting and the absorption of dietary fat, helps a person to spend their fat reserves, leading to a gradual sustained weight loss. Xenical only works in the intestines is not absorbed into the bloodstream and affect other organs and systems.
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