Thursday, May 10, 2012

How to Prevent Menopause In Men

If a man sees that after 45 years unmotivated changed its function, must first consult a physician-andrologist. The task of the doctor - to help reduce the pathological manifestations of menopause. Treatment is usually given a comprehensive, adequate physical activity is recommended, and provides tips for proper, balanced diet. Some men are afraid that they will appoint "chemical" hormones, but many enough to arrange work and rest, time to go physiotherapy or more massages the prostate. There are effective supplements, homeopathic remedies, etc. Only in exceptional cases is required to determine the level of testosterone in the blood - with a sharp decrease in its doctor may prescribe hormone treatment.

Men's health significantly affects nutrition. At the time of menopause to watch him be particularly careful: in this period, a person gains weight rapidly. The metabolism. And therefore need to reduce in your diet in carbohydrates. From sugar and sweet is better to refuse, limit the use of honey, 1-2 teaspoons a day. It is necessary to limit the use and animal fats, giving preference to vegetable oils. The diet should increase the amount of vegetables (not potatoes) and herbs, especially celery, parsley. Need to eat more dairy products. There should be 4-6 times a day but small portions. As they say, how we eat and look at life, so myself and feel.
Climax - not old age. Early treatment of a healthy lifestyle will allow a person to feel comfortable at any age.

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