A cool slice of watermelon long time has been a main dish of the Independence Day holiday in the U.S.. But according to recent studies, this juicy fruit may be more appropriate for Valentine's Day. The reason for this - the scientists found in watermelon ingredients which affect the circulatory system of a person like Viagra and increase libido.

"We have always known that watermelon is useful, but its list of major mineral properties is getting longer with each new study. Beneficial ingredients in watermelon and other fruits and vegetables are known as phytonutrients - natural ingredients, that have bioactive function, or can initiate a natural reaction in the human body , "- said Patil.
"In watermelons, these nutrients include lycopene, beta-carotene, and our main hope - citrulline, whose beneficial functions are now being studied. Among these features - the ability to relax blood vessels like Viagra.
Scientists know that the consumption of watermelon under the action of certain enzymes, citrulline is converted to arginine. Arginine - an amino acid that can do wonders for the heart and circulatory system and supporting our immune system, "- said Patil
"Transformed from citrulline arginine promotes the good work of the heart, immune system and may well be useful in patients suffering from obesity and type 2 diabetes," - said Patil. - "Arginine increases nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, like Viagra to help with erectile dysfunction and even preventing it."
Despite the fact that there are many psychological and physiological problems that cause impotence, extra nitric oxide could help those with inadequate blood flow, as well as angina, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.
Watermelon may not have the same directional effect as Viagra, "- said Patil, -" but it perfectly relaxes blood vessels without any side effects. "
The benefits of watermelon does not end there - he continued. - Arginine also improves the urea cycle, bringing the ammonia and other toxic substances from the body. "
Citrulline, the precursor to arginine, is found in watermelon rind in higher concentrations than in the flesh. Because the crust is not usually eaten, two scientists, colleagues, Patil, Dr. Steve King, and Ben Hay Gin, working on breeding a new species of watermelon with higher concentrations of citrulline in the flesh.
In addition to the Texas studies watermelon phytonutrients are currently being studied in the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture g.Leyn, state Ohlahoma.
"In addition, these studies have also shown that deep red varieties of watermelon tomatoes surpass the level of lycopene," - said Patil. - "Almost 92 percent of watermelon - water, but the remaining 8 percent contain lycopene - an antioxidant that protects heart health, prostate and skin."
"Historically it was believed that lycopene, also found in red grapefruit, is found only in tomatoes," - he said. - "But now we know that it is present in watermelon red at higher concentrations."
"However, lycopene is fat-soluble substance, which means that for better absorption by the body requires certain fats in the blood," - said Patil.
"Previous tests have shown that lycopene is better absorbed from tomatoes when they are mixed in a salad with oily vegetables like avocado or spinach," - said Patil. "This also applies to lycopene, obtained from watermelon, but I understand that the combination of watermelon with spinach or avocado is hardly appropriate."
"It is not carried out any studies to determine the time of consumption of oily vegetables to improve lycopene absorption," - he continued.
In conclusion, I can advise - buying a watermelon, remember that they are kept much better in uncut form at room temperature. The level of lycopene is kept constant, when a watermelon is on the kitchen floor. However, immediately after cutting keep it in the refrigerator. "
We look forward to summer for buying watermelons!