Prostatitis - one of the most common male diseases, so every man must devote sufficient attention to the prevention of this disease. The risk of prostatitis in the fact that the course of his treatment is quite complex and is accompanied by unpleasant physical sensations. In addition, the prostate can move into other, more serious diseases - such as BPH or cancer.
The cause of prostate inflammation in the body is getting some kind of infection. Very often a reaction to the infection manifests itself in people with reduced immunity. Prevent prostate is not even in the event that after the course of treatment of antibiotics, you got rid of most infectious diseases.
In addition, the prostate develops and because of stagnation in the prostate, arising from a sedentary, inactive lifestyle. So try to live an active, how can often go in for sports, hiking, regularly have sex. Very good for the prevention of prostate help to equestrian sports. This is sure to take note of people engaged in business who have spent hours at the table, as well as an avid motorists, move around only with the help of his four-wheeled friend.
It is also important for the prevention of prostate limit itself to its bad habits, and even better, and get rid of them altogether.
Avoid hypothermia: Do not sit on the bare earth, cold stones, etc.
As you probably noticed, all the recommendations for the prevention of prostatitis in essence exactly the same as general advice on healthy lifestyles. Do not forget about good nutrition: eat should be full, while avoiding spicy and fatty foods.
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