So does size really matter to women or is it just a big myth which has been hovering most men who believe size does matter to women. The part where women get the most stimulation is within the very first two inches of the vaginal part. So how does a longer penis help much with stimulation? Penis enlargement only helps elongating your penis which does not help when it comes to satisfying women. If you were to ask many women they would always answer you with a no that penis enlargement is not important at all and penis size does not have anything much to do with sexual satisfaction in bed.
Do you know that most men around the world are average when it comes to penis sizes. They lie mostly around that 5 to 6 inches length. Not every man goes for penis enlargement and that does not prove that they are not able to satisfy women in bed either. So the point here is that most men are only average and most men around the world are leading a very healthy sexual lifestyle staying the way they are. Herbal penis enlargement pills work by increasing blood flow to the penis, healing worn out penis tissues and stimulating penis growth. Using these penis enlargement pills alone would give you gains in your penis length and girth but for the gains to be permanent you must use these pills in combination with a penis enlargement exercises routine. Some of the best penis enlargement pills actually come with free penis enlargement exercise programs for you to engage in while taking the pills.
Most men think a larger penis is the answer to all their sexual questions and they would be able to satisfy almost any woman with it. Penis size would not help you one bit if you do not have the real skills required to satisfy a woman. Women like to be connected on a more emotional level than a physical one. Guys with even below average penises have been known to be very good performers in bed just due to the fact that they know how to do it right and what works.
Well if you think you are small and are ashamed it women would do the same to you. When you are not comfortable with one of your body parts than it gives other people a chance to question your inadequacy. If you feel confident in bed even after being below average you would never face any issues regarding being inadequate. Remember it's all in the mind and if you can control your mind you can do almost anything.
The clitoris and 2 inches into the vagina are very sensitive and stimulating this areas is sure to assist a woman in achieving orgasms but such orgasm are not as explosive and fulfilling as orgasms achieved by deep penetration of her vagina and the friction of the large penis base and the clitoris. Which sex would prefer one in which only the head of your penis is allowed to penetrate your lovers vagina or one in which your whole penis length can penetrate? Even though you penis head is the most sensitive part of your penis you would still love the feeling of deep penetration.
One very common reason women love big penis is the sexual excitement they get from its sight. This excitement actually makes a woman's body much more receptive to having orgasms. The mere sight of a large erect penis is sufficient to make most women wet in their vaginas as they become very horny even though foreplay might have not begun. Just the expectation of being penetrated by a big penis seems to lower the time it takes for women to achieve orgasms.
Various surveys have always revealed that women actually prefer bigger penis and actually wished their partner's penis were bigger. Even though it is clear that women love bigger penis most women do not actual complain to their lovers. This is expected, as no woman would want to hurt her lover's feelings. So in simple words most women feel stuck with the size of their lover's penis.
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