Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The effects of Viagra and weight training increases

Everyone knows that Viagra is taken in violation of erectile function in men. Today, however, it began to be used in the environment of bodybuilders and athletes

However, most bodybuilders are not concerned with the question: how to increase potency, but the drug they use for Pumping. The fact is that the active ingredient of Viagra (Sildenafil), enhances blood flow to muscles, which increases endurance thereby to achieve good results.

Bodybuilder can lift more weight, perform more reps with and approach than usual. Thus, coefficient useful weight training increases, thanks to the more intense muscle groups. opinion that Viagra is another donor of nitrogen. Currently, the organization that fights against doping explores the drug Viagra on athletic performance. If in the course of the experiments will still be shown that Viagra has a great contribution to athletic performance, the drug will be banned in speed and power sports. Bodybuilding such bans probably will not be threatened, as Viagra has no adverse impact on health. With minimal adverse events Viagra also has a positive effect on the heart, improves circulation and slightly reduces blood pressure.

Favorably to steroids and anabolic steroids, Viagra has no effect on the human body is harmful. It should be noted that an erection when using the drug only appears to stimulate sexual arousal. Another very popular among bodybuilders drug – Cialis. The active substance is analogous to the Cialis (Tadalafil), Sildenafil (Viagra). Blood flow to muscle is dramatically increased during high intensity exercise. The increase in blood flow serves to enhance the delivery of oxygen to active muscle cells and to increase the removal of lactate. This phenomenon is all too familiar to bodybuilders.  Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate): a refresher cours. Rest assured, this won’t happen. Sildenafil, at recommended doses, has no effect on erectile tissue in the absence of sexual stimulation. If you don’t normally find yourself sporting a woody as you step out on stage, you have nothing to worry about. Besides, you can always experiment before hand so you know what to expect (e.g. blood pressure changes). Now, back to the science of this little blue pill. Viagra is the citrate salt of Sildenafil, a selective inhibitor of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-specific phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE5). A phosphodiesterase is a phosphatase (as from snake venom) that acts on diesters (like some nucleotides) to hydrolyze only one of the two ester groups. In target cells, phosphodiesterase acts to hydrolyze cGMP and cAMP into inactive fragments, thus shutting down the second messenger cascade. A phosphodiesterase-inhibitor is a molecule that inhibits the action of phosphodiesterase. This allows cGMP (or cAMP depending on the type of phosphodiesterase) to remain in active form and thus extends or prolongs the activity of the cascade. This is part of the rationale for using caffeine, a well-known phosphodiesterase-inhibitor, with ephedrine. In working muscles, nitric oxide (NO) activates the enzyme guanylate cyclase, which results in increased levels of cGMP, producing smooth muscle relaxation of blood vessel walls. This causes vasodilation. Sildenafil has no direct relaxant effect on smooth muscle alone, but enhances the effect of nitric oxide by inhibiting phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), which is responsible for degradation of cGMP. For example, when hypoxia and/or lactate formation causes local release of NO, inhibition of PDE5 by sildenafil causes increased levels of cGMP in the blood vessels, resulting in vasodilation. Once again, Sildenafil at recommended doses has no effect on penile tissue in the absence of sexual stimulation. Keep in mind that Sildenafil does not change the way lifting weights causes muscle pump either, it only enhances it.
There are several reasons why the pump you get back stage is far from dramatic. Getting a good pump depends in large part on lactate  formation by the working muscles. As your muscles are forced to work anaerobically, lactic acid is formed triggering a series of signals that dilate blood vessels leading to the muscle. A muscle adapted to caloric restriction shifts its preferred fuel from carbs to fatty acids and ketones, neither of which generates lactate when used for fuel. So while training on a low calorie and especially a low carb diet, lactate induced muscle blood flow is reduced compared to normal well-fed conditions. On the day of the show you want to look lean but with full muscle bellies. The only way to do this is to be in a state of good hydration, loaded with glycogen, have restored muscle triglyceride levels, and have a decent pump when you step on stage for the morning prejudging. Hydration, glycogen and muscle triglycerides will have to wait for another time, but getting a pump just got a little easier. Because NO triggers vasodilation in skeletal muscle vasculature, Viagra will increase the ability to get and maintain muscle pump by inhibiting PDE-5 production

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Why Viagra is a great workout partner for bodybuilders

Viagra, first studied as an aid for hypertension, remedies erectile dysfunction by relaxing blood vessels in the penis. Athletes have found plenty of other reasons to embrace Vitamin V, though. Romano said many athletes take Viagra with anabolic steroids before a workout, hoping Viagra's ability to dilate blood vessels will help deliver the anabolics to their various muscle groups.

"The object of nutrient delivery is to get as much of it in the muscles ahead of time as possible," said Romano, who said he used Viagra for that reason. "You want to fortify the blood with whatever you're going to pump in there. Viagra is tailor-made for that because you're slamming in all kinds of amino acids and whatever else, then expanding the muscles and pumping it in there." Athletes are notorious for taking any pill or potion that seems to boost their performances, but research indicates Viagra is more than just a fad. Kenneth Rundell, a respiratory researcher at Marywood University in Scranton, Pa., said Viagra could increase stamina for athletes who compete at oxygen-poor high elevations.

"Any sport that's primarily an aerobic sport would benefit - cross-country skiers, cyclists, marathoners, 10K runners, 5K runners," he said. For a 2006 study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, scientists using trained cyclists at high altitudes as test subjects found the drug had a similar effect on the lungs as it did on the penis, improving blood flow and moving more oxygen to muscles. Other athletes count on Viagra to kick-start their sex lives.

Long-term steroid use, says Gary Wadler, a Long Island physician and an adviser to the World Anti-Doping Agency, causes testicular atrophy, which leads to impotence.

"That may be why these guys started using it in the first place," said Michael Dusa, a Hamden, Conn., chiropractor who treats athletes.

"I suspect they started taking it for impotence and found that it had other benefits, too, but bodybuilders are not the kind of guys who will admit impotence." Why Viagra Might Be an Effective Bodybuilding Drug

Viagra (sildenafil) is one of three FDA-approved, erection-promoting drugs called PDE-5 inhibitors that also include tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra). They work by inhibiting the PDE-5 enzyme, which then increases the concentration of a chemical called nitric oxide that promotes blood flow to the penis and other tissues throughout the body. Blood vessels, smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, blood platelets, and lung tissue contain this and similar PDE enzymes. In addition to promoting erections, PDE-5 inhibitors decrease systemic blood pressure, lung blood pressure, lung resistance, and promote coronary (heart) blood flow. Long-term use improves endothelial function, which is critical to blood flow control.

The drugs reduce stress in pressure-overloaded hearts, which is important for bodybuilders because large increases in muscle tension restrict blood flow to working muscles. Increasing muscle blood flow during training could increase muscle strength, size, and fitness, while reducing stress on the heart. They also improve lung blood flow and boost quality of life in patients suffering from lung disease. These drugs have promising pulmonary and cardiovascular applications that go beyond firm erections.

To date, no study has found that Viagra improves exercise performance in athletes at sea level. The drug is helpful in people with blood pressure limitations that interfere with oxygen transport to the tissues. For example, lung blood pressure increases substantially in some people at altitude, which makes it difficult to move oxygen from the air into the bloodstream. Viagra reduces lung blood pressure, which enhances oxygen consumption and the capacity to exercise.

A small percentage of elite endurance athletes have a performance imbalance between the heart and lungs. Their powerful hearts exceed breathing capacity, which causes a mismatch between the pulmonary and cardiovascular systems. Viagra might increase lung function to match their superior heart capacity, which could give them a significant competitive advantage. However, other athletes might benefit as well.

Physical inactivity, diets high in saturated and trans-fats and simple sugars, and reduced muscle mass impair the ability of insulin receptors to regulate carbohydrates, amino acids (building blocks of proteins) and fats. Insulin sensitivity affects the health of the endothelium, the cells that line the blood vessels. These cells release nitric oxide (NO) that opens blood vessels in tissues throughout the body. Long-term use of Viagra has training-like effects on the endothelium, which increases its capacity to release NO. While the Viagra-induced improvements in blood flow control might be greater in men suffering from poor metabolic health, they might also promote blood flow in the muscles and nervous systems in bodybuilders and physically fit adults. Viagra doesn’t appear to increase endurance performance following short-term use, but it might have long-term benefits in well-trained athletes.

Long-term use of Viagra might also benefit metabolic capacity by enhancing blood sugar control and increasing testosterone levels. Scientists from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine found that the drug helped restore energy balance and boosted insulin metabolism in mice fed high-fat diets (compared to a placebo). The animals showed lower blood sugar and insulin levels and improved blood sugar regulation after a high-carbohydrate meal. They also lost bodyweight and fat mass during the 12-week study. In humans, long-term use of Viagra increased the production of the blood vessel controlling chemical nitric oxide, which has strong links to insulin metabolism.

Viagra boosts testosterone, which is a critical hormone for increasing muscle mass, strength, and aggressiveness— all critical for athletes. Testosterone is linked to sexual arousal and performance. Middle-aged men who take testosterone supplements improve sex drive, capacity for erections, self-confidence, and aggressiveness. Italian researchers found that total and free testosterone levels increased by 50 percent in men treated for erectile dysfunction with Cialis or Viagra. It’s not clear whether these drugs increased testosterone directly or if they increased it indirectly through increased sexual activity. Frequency of sexual intercourse was greatest in men who took Cialis (a longer-acting PDE-5 inhibitor), which makes it the preferred drug for men in stable relationships. Men who had the most sex also had the highest testosterone levels.

Factors affecting testosterone include psychological health, diet, exercise, and sexual activity. Men who have a lot of sex are happier, more confident, and have better-functioning sex organs than men who don’t. The sex organs— like your muscles— function best when you use them, so Viagra might give them a boost. We don’t know if Viagra increases testosterone levels in healthy, fit bodybuilders.

Long-term use of Viagra might also increase muscle strength, power, and size by triggering biochemical pathways that increase protein synthesis and prevent protein breakdown in muscle cells. As discussed, Viagra increases nitric oxide (NO) release by the blood vessels. NO helps turn on protein synthesis in muscles, particularly when the fibers are under tension or stretch. NO also triggers the formation of satellite cells that add mass to the muscle fibers. To date, no study has shown that Viagra and similar drugs have steroid-like effects in athletes, but we can infer from biochemical studies that they might.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Effect of Nandrolone

According to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) system of nomenclature, the anabolic steroid has the name 17b-hydroxy-19-nor-4-andro-sten-3-one, and can occur naturally in the body, albeit in minute quantities. Structurally, it's very similar to Testosterone, the male hormone that was recently the buzz word in sports bulletins after Floyd Landis, the Tour de France winner, tested positive for excessive levels. Nandrolone is a modification of testosterone (carbon atom removed from the 19th position). With an Anabolic/Androgenic ratio: 125:37, meaning it is highly anabolic (muscle building) and moderately androgenic (male characteristics). Due to Nandrolones chemical structure it only aromatizes (converts to estrogen) slightly, at about 20% the rate of testosterone when it interacts with the aromatase enzyme. Ergo, estrogenic effects are not a major concern with its use. Of note, however, is that Nandrolone is a progestin with a binding affinity of 20% to the progesterone receptor (PgR), so side effects are still possible, though rare. One of the most popular anabolic steroid used in bodybuilding cycles, Nandrolone is also (medically) used to treat severe debility or disease states and refractory anemias. It promotes tissue building processes, reverses catabolism (muscle destruction) and stimulates erythropoiesis (red blood cell production). This makes it a very useful drug to treat wasting disorders such as advanced H.I.V. and also, makes it highly sought after by bodybuilders and athletes.

Nandrolone is most commonly found with a Cypionate, Decanoate or plenylpropionate ester. Briefly explained, the ester determines how much of the given hormone is released over a period of time. Longer esters such as Decanoate peak slowly and can keep stable blood plasma levels up to ten days, shorter esters such as the phenylpropionate peak more rapidly but the half-live is shorter. Shorter esters usually release much more active hormone per mg than longer esters, and of course, allow the drugs effects to leave your system more quickly. Surprisingly NPP (Durabolin) and ND (Deca) release almost the same amount of active nandrolone per 100mgs: 69% and 65% respectively; this does not correlate exactly though because blood levels of Nandrolone are much higher (about doubled) post NPP usage compared to the same 100mg dose of ND. NPP also has more distinct advantages over ND. One of the most common complaints about adding ND (Deca) to a cycle is the water retention that accompanies its use. Gains from NPP are reported to be "clean" with minimal water retention and fat gain. While ND is usually used in "bulking" cycles, NPP is used in "cutting" cycles although either drug can be used in either regard. Being an oil based anabolic it is injected intramuscular (into the muscle), many users inject it ED or EOD, however NPP can administered E4D without problems.

NPP and Nandrolone in general, has a number of benefits for athletes, it increases levels of serotonergic amines in the brain, these chemicals contribute to aggressive behavior, this could help athletes to train harder and improve speed and power. Nandrolone also increases levels of IGF-1 in muscle tissues. This may be another way that makes Nandrolone highly anabolic. NPP also benefits the athlete by increasing the number of androgen receptors (AR) one study showed that nandrolone given to rats at a dosage of 6mg/kg of body weight combined with muscle functional overload (muscle functional overload gives a similar effect to resistance training) had a 1,300% increase in AR protein concentrations. There is a direct link to muscle growth and AR levels. NPP also seems to be a promising fat loss agent, men given the drug had reduced levels of subcutaneous (under skin) adipose(fat) tissue, visceral (gut) fat loss was not as good however. The fat loss effect seems though to be dose dependant, in one study NPP at a daily dose of or 10mg per kg of body weight the 10mg dose had the greatest effect on fat loss, thus displaying a dose respondent curve with NPP. The more you use, the more results you'll get, with regards to this drug.

NPP is used to treat anemia by stimulating red blood cell production and an increase in RBC count can improve endurance during exercise via better lactic acid clearing and oxygen delivery. The blood is also better enabled to carry nutrients to muscle tissue to aid in repair, administration also increases the rate of muscle glycogen repletion after exercise helping the athlete dramatically improve recovery after strenuous physical exercise. Athletes who require a high level of endurance in their chosen sport can benefit from the use of NPP. A favorite with bodybuilders who suffer with sore joints, NPP can also improve collagen synthesis, which may improve joint function and alleviate joint pains.

Nandrolone Side Effects:
Although many Nandrolone lovers claim that it is one of the safest anabolic steroids, if not the safest. It does have side effects that can be bothersome in hypersensitive individuals, such as acne, excitation, insomnia, nausea, diarrhea and bladder irritability. More serious (and common) side effects include testicular atrophy (shrunken balls), impotence and gynecomastia. Nandrolone use has been shown to be safe and easy on the lipid profile, often improving HDL Cholesterol. Impotence can be offset by stacking the Nandrolone with a higher testosterone. Nandrolone also causes the "shut down" (total stoppage) of endogenous (natural) testosterone production. Thus an exogenous (outside) source must be provided, the increased prolactin levels from the use of a progestinic steroid contribute to HPTA shut down and testicular atrophy which can be treated with a combination HCG (a female hormone that acts like LH when introduced into the male body) and Bromocriptine (a dopamine receptor agonist that, among other things, can lower prolactin levels.) Besides using Bromcriptine to lower prolactin levels, the anti-estrogens Fulvestrant or Letrozole on be taken to down regulate the progesterone and estrogen receptor.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Therapeutic Effects of Deca Durabolin

The effects of Deca Durabolin lead this to be one of the most beneficial anabolic steroids any man will ever use. This steroid carries an extremely high level of toleration, it is one of the best anabolic steroids for the promotion of lean muscle mass, and its therapeutic benefits cannot be ignored.

The effects of Deca Durabolin can lead to tremendous promotions in lean muscle mass. However, this is not a magical hormone; you must eat to fuel such growth. In order to grow you will need to consume excess calories. If this excess intake goes too far body fat can get out of control. Most will only need a slight increase above maintenance, but the precise increase will vary from man to man. Once the proper caloric intake is found, the effects of Deca Durabolin will enhance tissue growth. This is largely accomplished by the steroid’s ability to enhance protein synthesis and IGF-1 production. The individual should also find he gains less body fat during the off-season than without the use of this steroid due to the positive effect training and enhanced hormonal levels can have. While the effects of Deca Durabolin on mass promotion are strong, we must understand they will not occur overnight. This is not a fast acting steroid, and while it can produce significant gains it will not promote a total weight increase as great as some steroids. However, it’s important to remember weight is meaningless; while some steroids will promote remarkable weight gains, such gains are often largely water retention. The effects of Deca Durabolin can lead to water retention, but this is very easy to control. The use of anti-estrogens will go a long way, but a proper diet will also help. Many who hold more water than they should often blame the steroid, but in many cases, the problem is often their diet. If you overeat excessively, especially carbohydrates, you will hold water. This will hold true with or without anabolic steroid use. However, with an aromatizing steroid this can enhance the issue. Control your diet, control estrogen and display consistency with your training and the effects of Deca Durabolin will provide high quality growth. In fact, many will find the gains made through this steroid’s use are much easier to hold onto compared to many anabolic steroids.

The effects of Deca Durabolin during the cutting phase can be extremely beneficial. This steroid will not provide strong conditioning effects, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a place in a cutting cycle. Due to its traits, especially the promotion of nitrogen retention, this is an excellent steroid for the preservation of lean tissue. In order to lose body fat, we must burn more calories than we consume and this puts lean muscle tissue at risk. Regardless of how well planned your diet is, some lean tissue will be lost if an anabolic protectant is not present. In successful dieting, it can only be deemed successful if body fat is lost while simultaneously maintaining as much lean tissue as possible. The effects of Deca Durabolin will enable the individual to meet this success. This is not the only benefit the effects of Deca Durabolin will present during this phase. The therapeutic benefits of this steroid are tremendous, and that’s exactly what we want to discuss next. Regardless of your purpose of use, the effects of Deca Durabolin surrounding therapeutic relief are tremendous. Many anabolic steroids have the ability to promote enhanced collagen synthesis and bone mineral content, but the Nandrolone hormone tends to take it to a high level. This is why many report tremendous joint pain relief when using this steroid. Due to these factors, as well as other traits discussed, total recovery is also greatly enhanced. Lean tissue is repaired at a faster and more efficient rate. Studies have shown the effects of Deca Durabolin may also be very beneficial to the healing of ligaments and tendons as well.

When considering the therapeutic effects of Deca Durabolin, it’s important to understand we’re not referring to masking like effects. We’re not talking about masking effects provided by painkillers or related medications, we are talking about true healing and therapeutic relief. Bulking or cutting there is no athlete who will not benefit from these effects of Deca Durabolin. In fact, many athletes who are not bulking or cutting at all find low doses of this steroid to be extremely beneficial for the therapeutic relief it can provide.

The effects of Deca Durabolin on endurance, particularly muscular endurance, can be more than significant. The individual will not tire out as fast; his muscles will not wear down under strenuous activity as quickly. The Nandrolone hormone is not well-known for promoting increases in strength, but the individual should be able to maintain a higher level of strength for a longer period of time due to this hormone’s use. This is in part due to the effect of Deca Durabolin on red blood cells. The Nandrolone hormone will greatly increase red blood cell count, which will provide greater blood oxygenation. With the enhancement of protein synthesis, nitrogen and IGF-1 and the reduction in glucocorticoid hormones this steroid provides, muscular endurance is enhanced all the more.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Proviron orally effective androgen

Proviron is a synthetic, orally effective androgen which does not have any anabolic characteristics. Proviron is used in school medicine to ease or cure disturbances eaused by a deficiency of male sex hormones. Many athletes, for this reason, often use Proviron at the end of a steroid treatment in order to increase the reduced testosterone production. This, however is not a good idea since Proviron has no effect on the body's own testosterone production but-as mentioned in the beginning-only reduces or completely eliminates the dysfunctions caused by the testosterone deficiency. These are in particular impotence which is mostly caused by an androgen deficiency that can occur after the discontinuance of steroids, and infertility which manifests itself in a reduced sperm count and a reduced sperm quality. Proviron is therefore taken during a steroid administration or after discontinuing the use of the steroids, to eliminate a possible impotency or a reduced sexual interest. This, however does not contribute to the maintenance of strength and muscle mass after the treatment. There are other better suited compounds for this. For this reason Proviron is unfortunately considered by many to be a useless and unnecessary compound.

You should be aware that Proviron is also an estrogen antagonist which prevents the aromatization of steroids. Unlike the anti estrogen Nolvadex which only blocks the estrogen receptors (see Nolvadex) Proviron already prevents the aromatizing of steroids. Therefore gynecomastia and increased water retention are successfully blocked. Since Proviron strongly suppresses the forming of estrogens no rebound effect occurs after discontinuation of use of the compound as is the case with, for example, Nolvadex where an aromatization of the steroids is not prevented. One can say that Nolvadex cures the problem of aromatization at its root while Nolvadex simply cures the symptoms. For this reason male athletes should prefer Proviron to Nolvadex. With Proviron the athlete obtains more muscle hardness since the androgen level is increased and the estrogen concentration remains low. This, in particular, is noted positively during the preparation for a competition when used in combination with a diet. Female athletes who naturally have a higher estrogen level often supplement their steroid intake with Proviron resulting in an increased muscle hardness. In the past it was common for bodybuilders to take a daily dose of one 25 mg tablet over several weeks, sometimes even months, in order to appear hard all year round. This was especially important for athletes appearances at guest performances, seminars and photo sessions. Today Clenbuterol is usually taken over the entire year since possible virilization symptoms cannot occur which is not yet the case with Proviron. Since Proviron is very effective male athletes usually need only 50 mg/day which means that the athlete usually takes one 25 mg tablet in the morning and another 25 mg tablet in the evening. In some cases one 25 mg tablet per day is sufficient. When combining Proviron with Nolvadex (50 mg Proviron/day and 20 mg Nolvadex/day) this will lead to an almost complete suppression of estrogen.

The side effects of Proviron in men are low at a dosage of 2-3 tablets/day so that Proviron, taken for example in combination with a steroid cycle, can be used comparatively without risk over several weeks. Since Proviron is well-tolerated by the liver liver dysfunctions do not occur in the given dosages. For athletes who are used to acting under the motto "more is better" the intake of Proviron could have a paradoxical effect. The most common side effect of Proviron-or in this case, secondary symptom- is in part a distinct sexual overstimulation and in some cases continuous penis erection. Since this condition can be painful and lead to possible damages, a lower dosage or discontinuing the compound are the only sensible solutions. Female athletes should use Proviron with caution since possible androgenic side effects cannot be excluded. Women who want to give Proviron a try should not take more than one 25 mg tablet per day. Higher dosages and periods of intake of more than four weeks considerably increase the risk of virilization symptoms. Female athletes who have no difficulties with Proviron obtain good results with 25 mg Proviron/day and 20 mg Nolvadex/day and, in combination with a diet, report an accelerated fat breakdown and continuously harder muscles. In clinical situations Proviron is generally used to treat various types of sexual dysfunction, which often result from a low endogenous testosterone level. Proviron can usually reverse problems of sexual disinterest and impotency, and it is sometimes used to increase the sperm count. Proviron does not stimulate the body to produce testosterone, but mesterolone is simply an oral androgen substitute that is used to compensate for a lack of the natural male androgen. Although mesterolone is strongly androgenic, the anabolic effect of Proviron is considered too weak for muscle building purposes.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What causes testosterone deficiency?

Low testosterone can be confirmed with blood tests which a GP can arrange for the sex hormones testosterone, luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Additional tests may be needed as hormone levels vary across the day. Treatment may not be recommended if low testosterone is diagnosed but troublesome symptoms are not being experienced.

Treating low testosterone: If low testosterone is diagnosed, the missing hormones can be replaced with hormone replacement therapy to bring the body’s testosterone levels back to normal. This should remove symptoms of hypogonadism and related sexual problems. Testosterone replacement therapy can be given in different forms. A doctor will discuss the different options before deciding which one is most appropriate. Testosterone levels may need to be checked after treatment begins so the right dose can be given.
Testosterone replacement therapy options

Injections: Regular injections are given deep into a muscle, called intramuscular injections. Depending on the type of injection recommended, these can be every two to three weeks to every three months. These may be injected by a doctor or practice nurse, self-injected or done by a partner. Carried out correctly, these shouldn’t be too painful.

Cylindrical pellets are inserted in the abdomen, buttock or thigh by a doctor under local anesthetic once every three to six months.
Capsules: These are swallowed on a daily basis but give a lower dose of hormones than other methods.
Patches: These work similar to nicotine patches for people trying to quit smoking and deliver testosterone gradually through the skin using a new patch each day.

Gum or buccal testosterone: Testosterone gum is put in the mouth above the front teeth.
Testosterone gel: Gel is applied to the skin, usually on the shoulder, arm or abdomen. This need to be used after showering to stop it washing off too soon.
Testosterone is an important sex hormone. It's a type of hormone called an androgen. You may hear testosterone described as a male hormone. But women also make testosterone, although they make much less of it. In women, testosterone is made mostly by the ovaries, although some is also made by the adrenal glands. Testosterone gives men their male characteristics, such as facial hair and a deep voice. It also triggers sexual development and helps the growth of muscles and bones. Testosterone can also be used as a treatment. It can help start puberty in boys who are very late in developing. Testosterone can also be used to treat symptoms of the menopause. Doctors don't often prescribe it, but they may do if a woman is worried about her loss of sex drive. Testosterone may increase sexual desire and arousal in women going through the menopause. It's usually prescribed in addition to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). For the menopause, you normally have testosterone as an implant (a small pellet put under your skin). Testosterone also comes as capsules (Restandol), a skin patch (Intrinsa) and injections.

If low testosterone is diagnosed as causing a man's erectile dysfunction, hormone replacement therapy may be recommended. Testosterone is a hormone produced by the testicles and is responsible for the proper development of male sexual characteristics. Testosterone is also important for maintaining muscle bulk, adequate levels of red blood cells, bone growth, a sense of well-being and sexual function.

As a man ages, the amount of testosterone in his body gradually declines. This natural decline starts after age 30 and continues throughout life. Other causes of lowered testosterone levels include:

    Injury, infection or loss of the testicles
    Chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment for cancer
    Genetic abnormalities such as Klinefelter’s syndrome (extra X chromosome)
    Haemochromatosis (too much iron in the body)
    Dysfunction of the pituitary gland (a gland in the brain that produces many important hormones)
    Inflammatory diseases such as sarcoidosis (a condition that causes inflammation of the lungs)
    Medications, especially hormones used to treat prostate cancer and corticosteroid drugs
    Chronic illness
    Chronic kidney failure
    Liver cirrhosis

The significance of testosterone decline is controversial and poorly understood. Without adequate testosterone a man may lose his sex drive, experience erectile dysfunction, feel depressed, have a decreased sense of well-being and have difficulty concentrating.

What changes occur in the body due to testosterone deficiency:

    Decrease in muscle mass, with an increase in body fat
    Decrease in hemoglobin and possibly mild anemia
    Fragile bones (osteoporosis)
    Decrease in body hair
    Changes in cholesterol levels and lipid levels

The only accurate way to detect the condition is to have your doctor measure the amount of testosterone in your blood. Because testosterone levels fluctuate throughout the day, several measurements will need to be taken to detect a deficiency. Doctors prefer, if possible, to test levels early in the morning since this is when testosterone levels are at their highest.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What is Mechano Growth Factor?

Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) also known as IGF-1Ec is a growth factor/repair factor that is derived from exercised or damaged muscle tissue.  It’s called MGF as IGF-IEa is a bit of a mouthful and harder to identify amongst the other IGF variants. What makes MGF special is its unique role in muscle growth.  MGF has the ability to cause wasted tissue to grow and improve by activating muscle stem cells and increasing the upregulation of protein synthesis, this unique ability can rapidly improve recovery and speed up muscle growth.  MGF can initiate muscle satellite (stem) cell activation in addition to its IGF-1 receptor domain which, in turn, increases protein synthesis turnover; therefore, if used correctly it can improve muscle mass over time.

The liver produces 2 kinds of MGF splice variants of IGF:
1) IGF-1Ec: This is the first phase release igf splice variant and it appears to stimulate satellite cells into activation, This is the closest variant to synthetic MGF.
2) Liver type IGF-IEa: this is the secondary release of igf from the liver, and its far less anabolic.
MGF differs from the second variant IGF-IEa as it has a different peptide sequence which is responsible for replenishing the satellite cells in skeletal muscle, in other words, it is more anabolic and longer acting than the systematic release of the second MGF liver variant.

So just think of MGF as a highly anabolic variant of igf.  After you have trained, the IGF-I gene is spliced towards MGF then that causes hypertrophy and repair of local muscle damage by activating the muscle stem cells as well as other important anabolic processes, including the above mentioned protein synthesis, and increased nitrogen retention. In rats, some studies have shown muscle mass increases of 20 percent from a single MGF injection, but  somehow  many of these studies are not accurate, however the potential is undeniable.

When you train, what happens to your muscles is they break down, the cells are damaged, muscle tissue needs to be repaired and your body produces 2 forms of MGF splice variant.  The first initial release of the above mentioned number 1 variant from the liver helps muscle cell recovery, if there is no MGF then muscle cells die.

As muscle is a post-mitotic tissue and as such cell replacement is not a means of tissue repair, if the cells are not repaired they die and your muscles get smaller and weaker.  In muscle tissue, the pool of these stem cells is apparently replenished by the action of MGF, which is produced as a pulse following damage.

Now, with synthetic injections of MGF you can increase the pulse and so speed up recovery, and increase the muscle tissue cells by stimulating satellite cells into full maturity. In terms of dosages, 200mcg bi-laterally is the very best choice of dosing in muscles trained.

The only problem with MGF, and this is the reason is that it has such a short half life, just a few minutes, between 5-7, and it needs to be used immediately post workout as it wont work if muscle tissue hasn’t been damaged.

Nevertheless, MGF has a huge role to play, and is administered to those with muscle wasting diseases and for those who are elderly and have lost muscle mass for good reason, it is extremely anabolic. What is PEG MGF (pegylated mechano growth factor)?

MGF that’s pegylated, which means it has the addition of Polyethylene glycol – a non toxic additive that increased the half life of MGF from minutes to hours.  This means its uses and versatility make it a tremendous addition to a bodybuilders arsenal. The next aspect we need to look at is how to make the most use of a long acting version of MGF.

When your muscle is damaged, your body releases a pulse of an MGF splice variant as I outlined above, followed by a less anabolic longer acting version from the liver.  Therefore, it seems a waste to inject MGF at this time as you will just blunt your body’s own release, your not enhancing it.  So using PEG MGF on non workout days is actually the best route.  Since the muscle has been damaged, there are plenty of receptors for MGF, and the effects are systematic.  All muscles will be aided in recovery through increased nitrogen retention, protein turnover, and satellite cell activation.  Recovery is just going to sky rocket.  Doing this means you’re increasing the length of your body’s own mechanism for muscle repair and growth, and you’re opening up the anabolic window.

Running PEG MGF in synergy with IGF is perfect but there are things you need to know.  Since IGF has such strong receptor affinity, if you dose them at the same time, the effectiveness of MGF will just be wasted, at least on paper (the science supports this claim).  However,  IGF DES on workout days pre-workout, or IGF1-LR3, this wont blunt your body’s own MGF release from the liver. Whereas IGF1-LR3 has a more systematic effect and only a very small localized anabolic effect, DES on the other hand is very anabolic in a localized way.  Therefore, bring up lagging muscle parts with DES, and then the following day Dose MGF at 200-400mcg to increase recovery and the mechanism for growth. Perfect synergy.

Over a 4 week run, noticed about 4lb increase with the PEG MGF and LR3 partnership, and roughly the same weight in fat loss, very impressive.  Though, some of my clients have noted far greater increases in muscle mass.  If you’re on a steroid cycle, there is no need for the addition of DES as IGF levels will already be elevated; you’re better off with MGF, PEG MGF can take your recovery and gains to a new level. MGF and IGF-1 LR3 can be used as a bridge between steroid cycles and during PCT to prevent muscle loss and speed up recovery. Dosing 3 times a week as suggested above, and 1ml of BA water for every 2mg is optimal.  Storage in the fridge for up to 6 months.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Bodybuilding and causes of impotence

Bodybuilding and fitness play a huge role in sex. Some women report a burst of energy after an orgasm. Sex increases a man's overall production of testosterone. Men are stereotypically notorious for bawdy locker room talk; women, body parts, certain unmentionable deeds, and normally as women we roll our eyes and pretend to be offended at the utter lack of class they must have.

Women however, may not share their immediate thoughts to everyone about sex and other formerly thought-to-be taboo issues as readily. Competitive bodybuilders and fitness athletes are no different, but it all seems to revolve on how the sex, or lack thereof will affect their training, their dieting, their physique, and in the end, their placing. It is well known that many professional athletes, baseball players, football players, fighters, and endurance athletes have all claimed to abstain from sexual activity with a partner, and even from masturbation immediately before a big event. There is this 'old-school' belief that it somehow reduces stamina, reduces power, and reduces the force that the athlete can put forth at their big event, tournament or game.

This seems to be true, for a minute. After athletes abstained from ejaculation (serum test levels were tested daily) for 6 days their levels had not changed. On the seventh day only, the levels of testosterone jumped by 50 percent. It's true that bodybuilding (lifting weights that is) lowers testosterone levels (serum), but only remain slightly lower for less than 3 hours. One study found that when 10 men watched a pornographic movie for 15 minutes, their testosterone levels jumped 100 percent afterwards, while the 10 ladies rolled in at 80 percent more testosterone. Now should we all watch porn right before we hit the gym well, maybe not every workout! Seriously though, the arousal itself seems to show a massive increase in test levels, and it would then seem the next question to be, "How long does it last?"

It seems the levels remained elevated at 75 percent of the max for over 90 minutes, so you better hurry! From the other side of the coin this also seems to increase aggression in turn, and increases the likelihood one will do things such as pull the trigger on a gun. For men, bodybuilding offers a few more benefits aside from increased body image and self-esteem. It also increases their overall production of testosterone over a long period of consistent training and its known that men's testosterone levels can begin to decline as early as 25 years old.
The action of lifting weights, for reps, for one hour or more, increases vasodilatation throughout the body, and when a man is a smoker, or has arterial disease in his family, this can affect erections, as the lack of blood flow to the area will eventually cause impotence. Over a long period of time and frustration, it's nice to know that it can possibly be a helpful benefit to those with that issue. Not to mention the increased strength can aid in a vast supply of new sexual positions you and your partner would both appreciate.

Impotence is a condition that affects the male, and is medically referred to as ED or Erectile dysfunction. There are various reasons that studies indicate as causes of this problem in men. The main symptom of this problem of male impotence is the recurring or persistent inability of a male to be able to achieve an erection and also to maintain an erection in spite of the person having a high desire for sex. This erection is required for concluding any sexual act or sexual contact. Some of the main causes of impotence in a man include some kind of damage to either the arteries or the smooth muscles. It also includes damage to the man’s fibrous tissues.

Other major causes of impotence include disease. There are certain diseases like diabetes, chronic alcoholism, kidney disease that can be a major cause of impotence in men. Even diseases like multiple sclerosis, vascular diseases and atherosclerosis are a cause of impotence in a large number of men. For some men, taking harsh and strong medications like certain antibiotics could be a major source of impotence. There are certain drugs, tranquilizers and antidepressants that are also a cause of this condition. Even appetite suppressants and antihistamines can cause problems. Stress is considered to be one of the biggest causes of impotence or erectile dysfunction. Work stress or stress at home needs to be reduced to help a man to regain his sexual behavior. At times there are certain psychological factors which are big contributors too. Some of these include low self-esteem, anxiety, depression and even guilt. For some just a fear of failure sexually is enough to cause this problem. For different people this problem can vary. For some it might mean the total inability to ejaculate or to even get an erection. For some it might mean simply getting very brief and short erections. There is no clear cut test to help a man confirm if he is suffering from this problem. This problem would need to be professionally determined and addressed to help a man get some relief or to find a cure for this problem. One can try some simple home remedies to help in dealing with this problem. These include eating garlic. One could try eating about 2 to 3 cloves of garlic on a daily basis. One should include plenty of garlic in their regular diet.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Effects of Testosterone-Isocaproate

Testosterone Isocaproate is an active component of potent steroids like Omnadren and Sustanon-250. It has a moderately long half-life which means that it remains active in the body and you do not need to inject it on a daily basis. With Testosterone-Isocaproate the user can gain muscle mass, strength and weight besides an increased stamina and a drive to train harder. This steroid enhances performance and gives lean muscle mass as it burns off fat.

A serious side-effect of Testosterone Isocaproate in males is that causes the body to stop the natural production of testosterones in the body. Testosterones are male sex hormones produced naturally in the body. When the body gets testosterone's from other sources, it slows down its own production. If the user continues with the external intake, the body may stop producing testosterone's naturally altogether.

Aromatization is another side-effect of Testosterone Isocaproate. Aromatization occurs when testosterone convert into estrogens. These estrogens being the female sex hormone attach with the breast tissues and get deposited there causing breast enlargement in men. Water retention is another problem which occurs with steroids. When fluids collect under the skin, the muscles do not look ripped anymore. For these reasons, the use of an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) is often advised; an AI will inhibit the aromatase process which causes the conversion of testosterone into estrogen and will even lower the body’s estrogen levels. With the use of an AI, there is no reason for gynecomastia and water retention to be an issue.

Excess of Testosterone Isocaproate can be harmful to the skin and the hair. Testosterone Isocaproate can cause acne in extremely sensitive individuals if there is a large Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) buildup due to conversion, but it normally takes a significant buildup and sensitive skin. If acne occurs, it will most commonly be found on the shoulders, back and chest. Hair loss is another possible side-effect of Testosterone Isocaproate but it is extremely rare. The only steroids that can truly promote hair-loss are once again DHT compounds, but a conversion can take place here that can cause some men to lose some of their hair. Fortunately, this only applies to men who are predisposed to male-pattern baldness, if you are not predisposed there is no risk. If you are predisposed and experiencing a large DHT buildup, the use of Finasteride can offer you protection.

Testosterone Isocaproate is an excellent steroid which works wonders both on an individual level as well as in combination with other esters in steroids like Sustanon-250 and Omnadren. It has some adverse side-effects like gynecomastia, water retention and inhibition of the natural production of testosterone's. Testosterone Isocaproate can also have a possible negative effect on the skin and it can damage the hair too, but as discussed above this is highly unlikely in most men. Side-effects of steroids usually remain in check if the correct dosage is followed, but athletes and bodybuilders in order to obtain rapid results often use steroids excessively. This excessive use of steroids surfaces when side-effects become serious in nature. Testosterone Isocaproate remains active in the body for a week to ten days. Keeping this in mind the recommended dose for Testosterone Isocaproate is 250 mg/week for starters and up to 1000 mgs/week for serious bodybuilders and athletes.

Beyond the above, it must be stated, Testosterone Isocaproate should not be used by women as it carries an extremely high virilization rating. Further, like all anabolic steroids, this compound should not be used by children. Adolescents will severely damage their fragile androgen system when supplementing with anabolic steroids, and often this damage will be irreversible. When it comes to Testosterone Isocaproate, supplementation should only be considered by healthy adult men, and this means you have no blood pressure, cholesterol or prostate issues.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Men with high testosterone level have a problems

When we have high testosterone levels, we can take the list above and completely flip it around. When we have high testosterone levels, not only will the above symptoms never occur, but regarding each one that area of our life will be improved upon. No, this does not automatically mean those with high testosterone will be behemoths of muscle and strength, training and diet will still dictate this end. However, men with high testosterone will be in better shape, enjoy a higher quality of life and simply possess a better sense of well-being.

Men with high levels can expect the following:

Increased Muscle Mass
Increased Strength
Decreased Body-Fat
Increased Clarity of Thought
Increased Energy
Enhanced Mood
Increased Libido

Getting your testosterone and other hormone levels tested is very important - no matter whether you're on a steroid cycle or just doing it for good health. And saliva tests are the most-convenient and least-invasive way to measure testosterone. But part of the medical community claims that saliva testing isn't accurate enough and blood tests are the way to go. That said, should you even bother with saliva?  In a perfect world, all bodybuilders would visit their doctor and get a blood test for their testosterone levels twice a year and if they are not natural, then also before, during and after a steroid cycle. This is of course highly important because you want to make sure that your testosterone levels have returned to normal following post-cycle therapy with a product like Test Stack 17.

Going beyond steroid cycles, it's a good idea for any man or woman to get their blood tested at different stages of their life. For women, it's nice to see what their hormonal balance is following menopause. Aging men can certainly benefit from these blood tests too since testosterone declines as we get older. But do people visit their doctor and get regular tests done?
The second point is especially common among bodybuilders who are juicing. After all, what chance do you have of explaining wildly fluctuating testosterone levels when you're a rock-solid 230 pounds? And who wants to deal with a steroid lecture when your doctor doesn't buy the story that your testosterone levels declined considerably because you stopped taking Vitamin D supplements?

Of course, visiting the doctor and getting a blood test isn't the only way to measure testosterone and other hormonal levels. There are also home-based tests that you can do involving saliva. The advantages of testosterone testing with saliva is that it's easier and less invasive. But many people claim that saliva tests aren't nearly as accurate as those involving blood. That said, are these tests complete junk or worth a try? Let's explore this question by looking at how saliva testing works and what the medical community thinks.
There are various products that you can use to measure your testosterone and overall hormonal balance from home. And the exact steps that you take to complete these tests and how many samples are needed will vary based on the product.

But the basic jest is that you start by collecting your saliva samples, as per the instructions. A saliva test measures for circulating levels of hormones available to body tissues in men and women. It's generally believed that saliva is better than blood at measuring biologically active hormone levels because it more accurately reflects the body's functional hormone status.

Once you've taken the samples, the next step is to send them to a laboratory for testing. Depending upon the lab and their location, you can expect the results back within a few days to a few weeks.

The endocrine (hormonal) test results should come back with an explanation of how well your testosterone levels relate to your age group. If the levels are better than average, then you have little reason to worry. But if they're low or just "normal", then you should use a testosterone booster like Test Stack No.17 to help get your test level into the highest end of normal. Assuming you're really worried about your low testosterone, the safest thing to do is schedule a visit with your doctor.

Divided Opinion on Saliva Testing Accuracy:
Measuring your testosterone levels at home sounds like a dream, especially when you want to avoid judgmental doctors. However, there's a catch and it revolves around whether or not saliva testing is as reliable as doctor-administered blood tests.  Opinions vary in the medical community over the reliability of saliva tests. For example, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) recommends that blood testing be used to measure testosterone and other sex-related hormones. In their Medical Guidelines for Clinical Practice, the AACE claims that saliva testing offers high variance in the results while blood tests are much more consistent.
Should you use Saliva Tests:
Although some organizations may question the reliability of this testing, there seems to be enough backing behind saliva tests to make them worth using. This is especially the case if you have no means of measuring testosterone levels and can't visit a doctor. A simple internet search will reveal a number of different products that you can use to administer a saliva test. And I highly recommend that you get one if you've never done an endocrine (testosterone) test before.

- Measuring the effectiveness of products with hormones (i.e. oral steroids, inject able steroids, testosterone accelerators and other supplements) or their precursors.
- Monitoring the results of hormone replacement therapy.
- Monitoring potential age-related reductions in hormone levels, which greatly contribute to decreased energy, infertility, low libido, loss in muscle, and an increase in menopause symptoms.
- Measuring the effect of phytoestrogens consumed in foods and herbs.

Once again, if you don't visit the doctor for blood testing, then you should strongly consider getting a saliva test. They are quick and will save you time, money and some invasive questions by the doctor.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Viagra And Testosterone May Not Help Your Erectile Dysfunction

Patients with erectile dysfunction and low testosterone levels are usually treated with Viagra. However, more and more physicians are found prescribing both Viagra and testosterone to such patients. Study shows that this may not provide any added benefit.

Viagra is a well-established name in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. There have been many studies conducted in the past which have found that sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra, benefits the patients suffering from erectile dysfunction. But it has also been noted that around one-quarter to one-third of patients who have erectile dysfunction, also have a low level of testosterone.

Based on this finding, more and more physicians have started prescribing testosterone in addition to Viagra, for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. However, until now, no study was conducted to see whether giving testosterone in conjunction with Sildenafil, provided any added benefit to the patients of erectile dysfunction.
The present study was led by Dr. Matthew Spitzer from the Boston University School of Medicine. He, along with his colleagues, recruited 140 men suffering from erectile dysfunction and low testosterone levels, for their study. All the men were between the ages of 40 and 70. They were prescribed Viagra in the dose of 50 to 100 milligrams for three to seven weeks and they were asked to rate their erectile response on the erectile function domain (EFD) of the International Index of Erectile Function.

A normal man, with no erectile dysfunction scores 30 on the EFD. An EFD score of 17 to 21denotes mild to moderate erectile dysfunction, whereas a score of 11 to 16 is considered moderate dysfunction. Administration of Viagra alone was accompanied with a significant improvement in the EFD score. On an average the score improved from 12.1 to 19.8.

After giving Viagra alone for a few weeks, the participants were randomly divided into two groups. While the first group was given 10-gof testosterone daily through a trans dermal gel for a period of 14 weeks, the second group received a placebo. After the study period, the EFD scores of the two groups were compared. It was seen that the EFD score did not show any significant change in either of the groups. The findings remained the same irrespective of whether the participants were obese, men with lower levels of testosterone at the start of the study, or they showed an inadequate response to Viagra.However, physicians who favor the use of testosterone argue that testosterone alone can boost sexual functioning. Especially in cases where the patient has low testosterone and is not very responsive to Viagra, testosterone can play an important role. Moreover, it has other benefits like improving the body strength and composition. Testosterone plays an important role in the treatment of androgen insufficiency and hypogonadism. 

Experts have opined that there is no therapy which will benefit all the patients of androgen deficiency or erectile dysfunction. Each case is different from the other and the key lies in personalized therapy for every individual.

Viagra is the first oral medication that can be used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction of various etiologies- organic, psychogenic or mixed. Ever since its launch in the US in April 1998, Viagra has won regulatory approval in more than 110 countries. More than 15 million patients worldwide have benefited from it through about 45 million prescriptions.

The main advantages of taking Viagra for the treatment of erectile dysfunction include its efficacy, its ease of use and a good tolerability with very few side effects. Moreover, it has a positive impact on the patient’s quality of life. Upon administration, it is rapidly absorbed by the body and reaches its peak plasma concentration within 30 to 120 minutes.  It is recommended in a dose of 25, 50 or 100 milligrams to be taken approximately 1 hour before sexual activity.
Side effects of Sildenafil

The side effects of Sildenafil are usually transient and minor in nature. Some of the common side effects seen with Viagra therapy include headache in 19% cases, flushing in 14% cases, dyspepsia in 6% cases and nasal congestion in 4% cases. 5.5% of the subjects complain of visual symptoms after taking Viagra.

Critics of Viagra say that though the drug is effective in treating erectile dysfunction, many people are using it to combat low libido. Though drugs like Viagra increase the blood flow to the penis, the true cause of decreased libido remains untreated. Many a times, the real issue behind decreased libido and erectile dysfunction is low level of testosterone. The levels of testosterone start declining by the time men hit their thirties. Giving testosterone in such cases not only improves libido and erectile response, it also helps in improving the energy levels, mood, sleep and overall health of men. Thus, we see that there are proponents and critics of both Viagra and testosterone. It is very difficult to predict which medicine will work for a particular individual. The key lies in discussing your problems threadbare with your physician and leave it to him to decide what treatment would be ideal in your condition.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sildenafil and Erectile dysfunction

Testosterone is essential for a healthy libido and normal sexual function, and erectile dysfunction sufferers known to have low testosterone improve when placed on prescription testosterone replacement therapy. Similarly, studies have shown that taking over-the-counter supplements containing DHEA, a hormone that the body converts to testosterone and estrogen, can help alleviate some cases of ED. Erectile dysfunction (sometimes called impotence) means that you cannot get or maintain a proper erection. There are several causes, the most common being due to a narrowing of the arteries that take blood to the penis.

Sildenafil works by preventing the action of a chemical in the body called phosphodiesterase type 5. This helps to relax (widen) blood vessels and improves the flow of blood. In erectile dysfunction, Sildenafil improves the blood flow to the penis following sexual stimulation, and this helps to maintain an erection.

Sildenafil is available on prescription. Do not take it if you do not have erectile dysfunction.

Another brand of Sildenafil tablets called Revatio is used in a completely different condition called pulmonary arterial hypertension. This is a specialist treatment and no information about this brand of Sildenafil is included in this medicine leaflet. Most men have occasional times when they cannot get an erection. For example, you may not get an erection so easily if you are tired, stressed, distracted, or have drunk too much alcohol. For most men it is only temporary, and an erection occurs most times when you are sexually aroused.

However, some men have persistent, or recurring, ED. It can occur at any age, but becomes more common with increasing age. About half of men between the ages of 40 and 70 have ED. About 7 in 10 men aged 70 and above have ED.

When you are sexually aroused, messages from your brain travel down nerves to your penis. Chemicals called neurotransmitters are then released from the ends of the nerves in the penis. Stimulation of the penis can also cause local nerve endings to release neurotransmitter chemicals.

The neurotransmitters which are released in the penis cause another chemical to be made, called cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). This chemical causes the arteries in the penis to widen (dilate). This allows extra blood to flood into the penis. The rapid inflow of blood causes the penis to swell into an erection. The swollen inner part of the penis also presses on the veins nearer to the skin surface of the penis. These veins normally drain the penis of blood. So, the flow of blood out of the penis is also restricted, which enhances the erection.

Once you stop having sex, the level of cGMP falls, the blood flow to the penis returns to normal, and the penis gradually returns to the non-erect state.

There are several causes which tend to be grouped into those that are mainly physical and those that are mainly due to mental health (psychological). About 8 in 10 cases of ED are due to a physical cause.

    Reduced blood flow to the penis. This is, by far, the most common cause of ED in men over the age of 40. Like in other parts of the body, the arteries which take blood to the penis can become narrowed. The blood flow may then not be enough to cause an erection. Risk factors can increase your chance of narrowing of the arteries. These include getting older; high blood pressure; high cholesterol; smoking.
    Diseases which affect the nerves going to the penis. For example, multiple sclerosis, a stroke, Parkinson's disease, etc.
    Diabetes. This is one of the most common causes of ED. Diabetes can affect blood vessels and nerves.
    Hormonal causes. For example, a lack of a hormone called testosterone which is made in the testes. This is uncommon. However, one cause of a lack of testosterone that is worth highlighting is a previous head injury. A head injury can sometimes affect the function of the pituitary gland in the brain. The pituitary gland makes a hormone that stimulates the testis to make testosterone. So, although it may not at first seem connected, a previous head injury can in fact lead to ED. Other symptoms of a low testosterone level include a reduced sex drive (libido) and changes in mood.
    Injury to the nerves going to the penis. For example, spinal injury, following surgery to nearby structures, fractured pelvis, radiotherapy to the genital area, etc.
    Side-effect of certain medicines. The most common are some antidepressants; beta-blockers such as propranolol, atenolol, etc; some 'water tablets' (diuretics); cimetidine. Many other less commonly used tablets sometimes cause ED.
    Alcohol and drug abuse.
    Cycling. ED after long-distance cycling is thought to be common. It is probably due to pressure on the nerves going to the penis, from sitting on the saddle for long periods. This may affect the function of the nerve after the ride.
    Excessive outflow of blood from the penis through the veins (venous leak). This is rare but can be caused by various conditions of the penis.

In most cases due to physical causes (apart from injury or after surgery), the ED tends to develop slowly. So, you may have intermittent or partial ED for a while, which may gradually get worse. If the ED is due to a physical cause, you are likely still to have a normal sex drive apart from if the cause is due to a hormone problem. In some cases, ED causes poor self-esteem, anxiety, and even depression. These reactions to ED can make the problem worse.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Vinpocetine and Viagra (Sildenafil) for bodybuilders

Everyone knows that Viagra is taken in violation of erectile function in men. Today, however, it began to be used in the environment of bodybuilders and athletes.
However, most bodybuilders are not concerned with the question: how to increase potency?. But the drug they use for Pumping.

The fact is that the active ingredient of Viagra (Sildenafil), enhances blood flow to muscles, which increases endurance thereby to achieve good results.

Bodybuilder can lift more weight, perform more reps with and approach than usual. Thus, coefficient useful weight training increases, thanks to the more intense muscle groups. opinion that Viagra is another donor of nitrogen.However, Viagra does not affect the level of no, however vessels in the muscle expands really well.

Currently, the organization that fights against doping explores the drug Viagra on athletic performance. If in the course of the experiments will still be shown that Viagra has a great contribution to athletic performance, the drug will be banned in speed and power sports. Bodybuilding such bans probably will not be threatened, as Viagra has no adverse impact on health. With minimal adverse events Viagra also has a positive effect on the heart, improves circulation and slightly reduces blood pressure.

Favorably to steroids and anabolic steroids, Viagra has no effect on the human body is harmful. It should be noted that an erection when using the drug only appears to stimulate sexual arousal. Another very popular among bodybuilders drug – Cialis. The active substance is analogous to the Cialis (Tadalafil), Sildenafil (Viagra). Cialis Super Active 20mg also increases blood flow to the muscle fibers. Bodybuilders and athletes can take Cialis without damage to health. Cialis is different from Viagra is that the former has longer period – as many as 36 hours.

Vinpocetine has been called Viagra for the brain. Vinpocetine is a relatively unknown ingredient that not only is notable for improving symptoms of some cerebral disorders but also is a thermogenic extraordinaire.

Vinpocetine (vinca minor), when administered as little as 15-30 mg. a day, has been noted to improve visual acuity, cause significant and quick improvement in vascular disease and improvement in memory to a level of statistical significance.

Vinpocetine even works synergistically with other thermogenic compounds to increase norepinephrine (a major fat-oxidation hormone). This helps exercise to more rapidly decrease body fat levels.

 Vinpocetine comes from the periwinkle plant. Vincamine is extracted from periwinkle and an alkaloid extract of vincamine becomes Vinpocetine.

Vinpocetine is a natural substance that is effective at increasing memory, mental focus, and blood flow to the brain. In Eastern Europe (Hungary), Vinpocetine is prescribed to help treat cerebral disorders in stroke patients.

In other areas, it is used to help treat some speech impairment, depression, headaches, memory loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) caused by impaired blood flow to the inner ear. Vinpocetine is theorized to increase ATP production and the utilization of glucose and oxygen in the brain.

Vinpocetine's main method of action is by way of increasing cGMP production (a molecule directly responsible for endothelial nitric oxide release) and by increasing the production of norepinephrine. Vinpocetine is thought to inhibit the phosphodiesterase (PDE) enzyme, an enzyme responsible for blocking cGMP release.

PDE is also the enzyme blocked by the popular drug Sildenafil Citrate (Viagra). Blocking PDE allows for dilation of blood vessels resulting in more oxygen in the brain, (and in the case proven by Viagra, more blood in the Wang). Norepinephrine is a byproduct of dopamine and is, in part, responsible for increased vigilance, alertness, concentration and even stress capacity.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Viagra and hormonal causes of ED

Viagra (Sildenafil) relaxes muscles and increases blood flow to particular areas of the body. Viagra is used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. Another brand of sildenafil is Revatio, which is used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension and improve exercise capacity in men and women. Erectile Dysfunction is highly prevalent, is age related and can be progressive. At least 50 percent of all men ages 40 to 70 years old have some degree of E.D. Effects on physical and emotional health can be profound. The usual body builder will likely use some anabolic hormonal augmentation to achieve desired physical “cosmetic effects”.

The most common anabolic pharmacologic agents used are:
1.Testosterone of different kinds (injectibles, testosterone mixtures etc.); sometimes topical testosterone also.
2.Nandrolone anabolic agents, which are more anabolic than androgenic, which may include Nandrolone Undecanoate (Deca), Oxandrolone, Stanazalol, Oxymethalone and many others.

When you look at the chemical structures of the nandrolones you will see that many look like the synthetic progestin (progesterone) family of hormones. That is why many of the nandrolone anabolic agents have central nervous system depressing effects like the progestins. Some years ago male sex offenders were given injections of methyl provera acetate (a potent synthetic progestin) to suppress deviant sexual behaviors. The progesterone / progestin sex hormones are central nervous system and sexual depressants.

The nandrolones since they do not convert (aromatize) to estrogen have negative (depressing) sexual effects in the brain with loss of sexual desire and erectile dysfunction. The estrogen component of natural T is necessary to relax blood vessels and facilitate sexual desire in the brain.
Other agents used by body builders may include:
a) Cytomel (T3)-the potent form of thyroid to increase metabolism and burn fat. T3 can cause excitement and can decrease penile blood flow.
b) Diuretics – used before contests to remove fluid to enhance muscle vein prominence.
c) Stimulants before training or to lose weight. All stimulants decrease penile blood flow.

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) includes agents like Clomid, Tomoxifen, HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), and Arimidex. Except for HCG all the others either lower or block estrogen levels and can sometimes be anti-sexual.

However when HCG is used estradiol levels go up in a natural proportion to testosterone and many body builders report enhanced sexuality and function. Their testes also may increase in size with HCG.
Male sexual behavior is an interaction between the intra psychic (mind), biology (the body) and relationship (the couple). E.D. can occur from some abnormality in either one of these areas or a mixture. A shift of these domains can affect the other. The results are variable and need to be looked at a case-by-case basis.

Testosterone modulates nitric oxide expression in the penis, which is necessary for erections. Those men who have very low testosterone levels often experience poor results to the erectile drugs like Sildenafil (Viagra) and the others. They also lose morning erections. It is necessary for testosterone to be present to convert (aromatize) to estrogen to have a positive sexual effect in the brain and other tissues (penis).

The goal of most bodybuilding is to achieve a maximum cosmetically aesthetic physical appearance rather than athletic performance goals. Most body builders are not involved in professional competitions, but often follow competitive body building principals in order to achieve the best look cosmetically. This is a big problem.

Body builders can run into problems by sacrificing their cosmetic look goals over their natural internal health. One of the biggest issues is that body builders do cycles of “stack “of multiple androgens and other anabolic agents including many anabolic steroids, insulin, growth hormone etc. Those who start at a young age on various “cycles” may later develop androgen induced hypogonadism or AIH.  A basic rule is that the longer the “cycles” and the older the body builder that more problems will occur over time with erectile function and lowered natural T production. Some get to point later where they cannot make enough of their own natural internal testosterone to have normal erectile function.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

ED and Bodybuilders health

Where the arteries supplying blood to the penis do not bring in enough blood to cause an erection. This can occur because of a narrowing of the arteries such as occurs in the elderly, diabetics and those with high blood pressure or because of injury to the genital region which causes a block in the artery to the penis. The last is very common in the young. The injury can be major and sudden as after a vehicular accident causing a fracture of the pelvis or pubic bones, or low grade and gradual, as in bicycle and other riders and occurs because sustained friction in that region causes a clot-like substance (thrombus) to develop in the artery to the penis. This clot gradually grows and ultimately blocks the blood supply to the penis completely.

Arteriogenic impotence resulting from injuries is very common but often unsuspected because of ignorance of the causative conditions. Many such patients are to be found in orthopedic and urology wards. The impotence is often discovered much later, after the more obvious wounds and fractures have healed. Ironically, it is most often discovered by the patient himself and not by the doctor.

Venogenic: Where the veins of the penis leak blood and prevent the development of a rigid erection. In a normal man during full erection the veins close down almost completely and practically no blood flows out from the penis. This allows blood to accumulate in the sinusoid of the penis, thus raising pressure and allowing for the development of rigidity or hardness. Venogenic impotence is extremely common. It is said to account for as much as 30-70 percent of all impotence. Some men have venogenic impotence from birth (primary). Such men have never had a rigid erection all their lives. Others develop venogenic impotence suddenly after years of normal sexuality (secondary).

Neurogenic: The nerve supply to the penis is very delicate and complicated. A proper conduction of impulses along these is basic for the initiation and maintenance of an erection. It is these nerves that activate the arteries and the veins and alter the dynamics of blood flow within them.

Many things can go wrong with the nerve supply to the penis. Injuries to the back, especially if they involve the vertebral column and the spinal cord can cause impotence. So also can injury to other nerves supplying the penis such as occurs after pelvic or perineal trauma. A wide variety of operations performed for other conditions can cause incidental injury to the nerves of the penis and cause impotence. These include operations on the rectum, prostate, urethra, spine, retro peritoneum, urinary bladder etc. Of course, disorders of the nervous system such as multiple sclerosis, myelitis, tumour etc. are wont to cause impotence if they involve the nerve supply to the penis.

Another disease affecting the nerves to the penis is diabetes mellitus. Impotence is extremely common among diabetics. In fact, as many as 50 per cent of all diabetics are impotent. Impotence in diabetics is almost always organic in origin. Appropriate therapy for diabetes can never restore erectile function because the basic diabetic process can never be reversed. Only the blood sugar levels and the complications of diabetes are controlled. Modern andrology, however, can offer a cure to nearly all patients with diabetes-related impotence. This is another fact that is, unfortunately, not known to most people. Few diabetologists address erectile dysfunction (ED, impotence) in their patients.
Many doctors recommend use Sildenafil. Viagra is used to treat impotence in men. Viagra increases the body's ability to achieve and maintain an erection during sexual stimulation. Before taking Viagra, tell your doctor if you have had a heart attack, stroke, or life-threatening irregular heartbeats within the last six months; have a history of heart failure,  have coronary artery disease; have angina; have high or low blood pressure, have liver problems; have kidney problems; have ever had blood problems, including sickle cell anemia or leukemia; have a bleeding disorder; have a stomach ulcer; have retinitis pigmentosa (an inherited condition of the eye),  have a physical deformity of the penis such as Peyronie's disease, have a condition that could lead to prolonged and painful erections, such as a tumor of the bone marrow, sickle cell anemia, or leukemia; or are taking another medicine to treat impotence. You may not be able to take Viagra, or you may require a dosage adjustment or special monitoring during treatment if you have any of the conditions listed above. Although Viagra is not indicated for use by women, it is in the FDA pregnancy category B. This means that Viagra is not expected to be harmful to an unborn baby. Women should not take Viagra. It is not known whether Viagra passes into breast milk. If you are over 65 years of age, you may be more likely to experience side effects from Viagra. Your doctor may prescribe a lower dose of this medication.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Erectile Dysfunction And Bodybuilding Workouts

The term erectile dysfunction refers to a recurring and persistent condition where a man is unable to achieve or maintain an erection and complete sexual intercourse. In most cases, erectile dysfunction is a sign of a deeper, underlying problem and many doctors consider it one of the earliest signs of heart disease. There are several other causes for erectile dysfunction, including hypertension, diabetes and obesity. Drugs like Viagra and Cialis can correct some of the mechanical reasons for erectile dysfunction, but doctors will also suggest lifestyle changes, like diet and exercise, to help treat, and even cure erectile dysfunction. Micro nutrients such as amino acids are backed by a vast body of scientific research studies. They don’t just help curing the symptoms of erectile dysfunction but work also directly on the cause, which is poor blood circulation in the majority of cases (vascular erectile dysfunction). For this reason they are a more effective choice for treatment and have been used much more frequently in recent history for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

A further advantage of natural nutrients such as vitamins, amino acids and minerals is that they can also high dosages can be fully absorbed and any excess easily be broken down by the body. This will avoid any damage to the liver or kidneys. Amino acids play an important role in orthomolecular Andrology, because they have been proven effective in preventing many common conditions.

Therefore, a reduces ankle blood pressure health of your life, boosts Nitric Oxide inhibitor after this time and this is one of the equation. This is likely to seek treatment of endothelial function affects blood pressure severity of Chicago School study have not been made yet humans but is one of the little bit. Erectile Dysfunction Bodybuilding Workouts current problem with the swelling of the insulin effects on erectile dysfunction studies suggest that all women of childbearing age take folate, a vitamin B12 absorption of two medicines, about four five best male erectile dysfunction pills men can stop the -blocker plus a 5- reductase inhibitor with new babies.  Men typically begin to experience a gradual drop in their testosterone levels as they age. But don't be so quick to blame Father Time: Poor lifestyle factors—such as weight gain, smoking, or too much booze—negatively impact your T-levels more than aging, says research from the University of Adelaide.

Lucky for you, logging more shuteye can naturally boost testosterone. Research in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that men who decreased their sleep from eight hours per night to five saw a 15 percent drop in testosterone levels. Other natural boosters include weight training, consuming whey protein, competition, and having sex. If you think you might have erectile dysfunction, you probably do. When more than 1,000 men were asked if they had erectile dysfunction (ED), nine out of 10 of who claimed they were “unsure” had some level of it, found a study published in BMC Urology.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sexual desire and testosterone replacement therapy

Most men find that their sexual desire increases after they start testosterone replacement. Sexual dreams and nighttime/morning erections may be more easily achievable, but in some cases testosterone alone does not make erections strong or lasting enough for successful intercourse.

For these men the use of prescription phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor (PD-5) medications like Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra—may be needed in combination with testosterone replacement.  However, some men do not respond well to these oral agents or have side effects such as headaches, nasal congestion, flushing, gut problems, and, in the case of Cialis, back pain. Cialis may last longer than the others (36 hours compared to 4 hours for Viagra or Levitra), but so may its side effects. Some men take Claritin and ibuprofen with these drugs to per-treat nasal congestion and headaches, respectively. Cialis is also approved for daily use at 5 or 10 mg/day dose (regular dose is 20 mg/day).
If erectile dysfunction is not improved while on testosterone, ask your doctor about adjusting your dose of testosterone. Ensure that your total testosterone level is between 500 and 1000ng/dL.  Also, have your doctor check your blood levels of estradiol; if too much testosterone is  converted into this female hormone as it may cause sexual dysfunction.  Low levels of thyroid hormone, infections, lack of sleep, alcohol, smoking, medications and depression also can cause erectile dysfunction in the presence of normal testosterone levels. Last but not least, lack of attraction for our sexual partner can get in the way of achieving a strong erection.
Other options for men who need an extra erectile boost while using testosterone replacement:
Yohimbine—available over-the-counter or by prescription (Yocon); increases sex organ sensitivity. It can raise blood pressure and cause insomnia and anxiety, so talk to your doctor. A small study showed that men who used Yohimbine with the amino acid arginine had better erections (read section on supplements in this book). Muse (alprostadil)—this is a prescription pellet that inserts into the penis to produce an erection. Not very popular.

Trimix or Quadmix—available by prescription from compounding pharmacies. These are mixtures of prostaglandins and papaverine that increase blood flow and retention into the penis. Prostaglandins are mediators and have a variety of strong physiological effects, such as regulating the contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle tissue.Prostaglandins are not hormones and they are not produced at one discrete site, but rather in many places throughout the human body.

Trimix is a mixture of two prostaglandins (phentolamine and   alprostadil) plus papaverine (a vasodilator medication) that increase blood flow to the penis and cause strong and lasting erections, with or without sexual stimulation. These compounds appear to act together to increase arterial inflow, dilate smooth muscles, and restrict venous outflow promoting erectile rigidity with greater success and in smaller doses than if these compounds were used as single therapies. An example of a dosage combination for tri-mix is 10 micrograms of alprostadil, 500 micrograms of phentolamine and 15 mg of papaverine. Dosing of tri-mix preparations has not been standardized. Trimix is injected directly into the side of the penis through a fine-gauge “insulin-style” needle in very small amounts (0.1-0.33 cc) that increase blood flow to the penis.  It results in strong and lasting erections. The main potential side effect are hematomas (bruising), fibrosis if used too frequently and on the same injection site, pain, and   dangerously long-lasting erections (priaprism).  Priaprism may sound great but this can literally kill your penis by causing gangrene of the tissue after stagnant blood coagulates inside it.  There are a  men who had to go to an emergency rooms 8 hours after having used too much Trimix and have the blood drained from their penis.  To ensure perfect injection technique and dosing, it is imperative to be trained on how to dose this with the help of an urologist. Compounding pharmacies sell two types of Trimix formulations: Freeze dried (powder to be mixed later with water) or pre-mixed vials.  Some men find the freeze dried form not to be as effective.

It is extremely important to remember never to use Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra before or at the same time as you use Trimix. This is a dangerous combination that can increase the risk of priaprism.  Be particularly careful with Cialis since it can stay in your blood stream for a longer time.