Friday, August 17, 2012

Viagra And Cellulite

Viagra is useful not only for men. The well-known drug that increases the potency, has several unique properties that can help women cope with such a defect in shape, as cellulite. At least sure of scientists leading the development of new anti-cellulite cream for skin with the addition of Viagra.
The substance sildenafil, better known as Viagra, has a stimulating effect on women. However, its main advantage for the fair sex is not the case, scientists say. In their view, the addition of the substance in a moisturizing cream can help in the fight against the hated "orange peel".

Struck off cellulite fatty tissue from the total fat metabolism. In this connective tissue, fat cells, Entangling, expands and begins to compress and "push" them. As a result, the skin bumps appear and there is a so-called orange peel effect. Substances which contribute to the release of fat, can not penetrate into the affected cellulite cells to trigger their flight. As a result, the cell continues to absorb fat and can not effectively release it at a time when the body needs it.

Affected cells accumulate cellulite in a huge amount of toxins. Cell walls thicken, harden, making it more difficult to release fat. Skin disorders due to the supply of nutrients through the blood loses its elasticity, becomes loose, and all its irregularities - very noticeable.

And while scientists are struggling with a new formula that millions of women already relish the magic bullet.