Men older than 30 years of age must attend to procreation. Employees of the Shanghai Institute of Family Planning on the basis of analysis of 1000 male volunteers aged 20-60 years found: after 30 years, the quality of sperm decreases each year by 1%.
Exploring the men, the researchers paid attention to the total volume of semen, sperm count and motility. They compared the samples of semen from different age groups and found that after 35 years, many men have sperm were inactive. And the quality of the sperm decreased with increasing age of the volunteers. Thus, the seed 20-29-year-old male 73% motile sperm, but for 50-60 years, this figure falls to 65%.
I must say the results reinforce the earlier survey conducted by the Center for Assisted Reproduction Eylau, proving that a group of men aged 30 to 35 years of fertilization success rates are 13.6% in men older than 45 years of the same - no more than 9.3%.
In turn, Israeli Reproduction sounding the alarm. According to the report for the year 2009, the Israeli men's sperm quality drops sharply. Employees of the clinic, "Hadassah Mount Scopus and Ar" have compared samples of seminal fluid collected in 1995-1999, and samples obtained from 2004 to 2008. It turned out, during which time the concentration of sperm decreased by 40%. A sperm bank in the hospital, "Hadassah" compelled to reject two-thirds of potential donors due to low sperm quality.