Disease (disease) of the penis is usually caused by a lesion of the foreskin. There are infections, including sexually transmitted diseases through, and psychosexual disorders.
Phimosis - a disease of the penis - the restriction of the opening of the foreskin, which is impossible to expose the glans penis. In normal neonates the inner surface of prepuce and glans penis are not separated. As the child grows, the foreskin is mobile, it's cavity is finally formed by 6 years. Prior to this age forced the release of the glans penis is not recommended. If the 7 years the foreskin remains stationary and there is balanitis, showing it's circular excision - circumcision.
Disease of the penis phimosis is congenital (rare) or acquired. Acquired phimosis may be temporary (such as acute balanoposthitis) and persistent (in chronic balanoposthitis with scarring). When the cavity of phimosis of the foreskin during urination is stretched due to falls in her urine, you may experience difficulties during intercourse.
Treatment of phimosis - the temporary phimosis caused by acute balanoposthitis, use corticosteroid ointment. If the scar is shown phimosis circumcision.
Paraphimosis - a disease of the penis - impairment of the glans penis narrow foreskin. It usually occurs between the ages of 6-12 years. Accompanied by phimosis occurs during erection or after bladder catheterization, edema glans penis, severe pain, to shift back the foreskin can not.
Treatment of paraphimosis - is urgently needed to reposition the glans penis, which is usually performed without anesthesia. If pain relief is still carried out in solution of local anesthetic is not added adrenaline.
Balanitis (balanoposthitis) - a disease of the penis - inflammation of the glans penis. Typically, balanitis combined with acrobystitis (balanoposthitis). The most frequent pathogen - Candida albicans. The first manifestations - redness and burning sensation in the glans penis and foreskin - usually caused by a failure to comply with hygiene. Later joins the bacterial infection.
Infants balanoposthitis summoned untimely changing diapers, elderly balanoposthitis - is one of the complications of diabetes. When balanoposthitis exclude: diabetes, Reiter's syndrome.
Treatment balanita - sowing discharge from the penis and the inner layer of the foreskin. Careful toilet glans penis and foreskin. Antimicrobial therapy: when a fungal infection - topical nystatin or other treatments, with a bacterial infection - antibiotic therapy, such as chloramphenicol or hlortstratsiklin. With recurrent balanoposthitis - circumcision.