Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction happens to most men occasionally and for a variety of reasons. If it is just a few times then it should not be worried upon but if it is frequent or enough to bring you worry and stress then you need to look into just what is causing it. It is interesting to note that most men and even doctors (is it because they are male?) believe that most impotence causes stem from the psychological aspects or lifestyle aspects of a man's life. But it is also interesting to note that 60% of the men that do go to their doctor with impotence problems end up being diagnosed with diabetes. It is also interesting to note that 80% of men with impotence problems have a physical reason for having them. So my recommendation is that if you are having a problem with impotence that is causing you concern at least go to your doctor to get the physical reasons out of the way.
If you want to cure impotence you don't need drugs, you can get a hard erection by taking the enclosed herbs and not only do they get you a harder erection, these herbs will do something which drugs simply cannot do and that's increase your libido at the same time - lets take a look at how they work. Many men get frustrated when they take drugs because there is no increase in sex drive and they need manual stimulation of the penis to get hard. Herbs on the other hand, increase your libido so you benefit from the complete sexual experience. Firstly to get a hard erection, you need to have high levels of nitric oxide produced in the body and the reason for this is simple - no erection can take place if levels are too low. Nitric oxide performs the vital function of opening up the blood vessels which lead into the penis, so they are wide enough to take the increased amount of blood in, to stiffen the penis.