Monday, August 1, 2011

Male Infertility

Male Infertility - male body condition, which can not conceive a child.

Male infertility is divided into three types:

First remove the causes that led to the development of infertility - the elimination of inflammation in the genital surgery for hydrocele and varicocele. In the obstructive form of male sterility is determined by the level and rate of expression of the site of obstruction, after which surgical intervention. With hormonal abnormalities medications are used hormonal correction. In the form of immunological male infertility treatment is carried out a comprehensive - and plasmapheresis course.

Treatment with any form of male infertility (except immunological), in addition to removal of the cause involves the stimulation of spermatogenesis. By effective methods include normalization of lifestyle, sports, high-grade protein diet, hormonal drugs and medications that increase blood flow to sexual organs and the course of vitamin therapy. In the treatment of male infertility are performed every 2-3 months control sperm.

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